Monday, April 8, 2024

2 movie reviews

      First movie is Mean Girls.  I didn't really like this movie at all.  They turned it into a musical and it just didn't fit for me.  This is one movie that didn't need to be a musical.  The original is way better and I didn't really like the casting of this movie either.  Sometimes you should just leave movies alone and don't try to remake them.  I give it a 4 out of 10.
       Last movie is Wish.  This movie was so great!!  It went back into the old Disney vault and I loved it!  The songs were a bop and the goat and star were adorable.  If you have Disney Plus, I highly recommend this one.  I give it a 10 out of 10.  Hope you like my reviews.  God Bless.

My last movie review of 2024

                                                  My last movie review of 2024 is Deck the Halls.  This movie was really good.  It made me c...