Monday, October 7, 2013

Candy Crush

Today's post is about a game that I play on Facebook.  Candy Crush Saga.  I have been playing for quite awhile and it is very fun.  It can be challenging too.  I have had my moments where I wanted to quit playing.  But, I didn't and now I am on level 350.  It is addicting, but I never pay real money for it.  If I run out of lives, I just ask friends for more.  I even help people when they are stuck on levels.  My sister Carol can't believe how fast I can beat some levels.  lol.  Do you play Candy Crush?  If so, what level are you on?  Does it annoy you?  Have a great day and God Bless.  :)


  1. I get annoyed enough with Angry Birds. I don't need another Facebook game to play. :-)

    1. Haha :D You know, I have never played Angry Birds. But then, I'm not really into the more arcade type of games.

  2. I played the first two levels of Candy Crush when you asked me to try it :D Like I said, not really into those type of games. They DO annoy me :) It also cracks me up whenever we're talking and you're just like, excuse me, I'll be back in a few minutes after I beat my sister's Candy Crush level for her. Lol!

  3. Hey Debra that is good where you are at . You must be really good . I just got started playing it and am on level 61,on my IPad . My IPhone a couple levels behind . I do not play on FB I only play for fun . My daughter got me started a while back and I like it . When I get stuck I may have to talk to you .

    1. That is cool Liz. Yep, I only play for fun too. :)


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