Wednesday, November 13, 2013

2 movie reviews.

 First one, this movie was really good, except the fact that the F word was used a lot.  I really like Gerard Butler, and this movie has to be one of my favorites.  If you like a lot of action and explosions, you will love this movie.  I give it a 9 and a half out of 10.
Second one, the only thing I don't like about this movie is that Jessica Biel is in it.  lol.  The little boy who plays Gerard's son is adorable.  It is a sweet movie.  I give it a 9 out of 10. 

Hope these reviews help.  God Bless.  :)


  1. Wow. Haha. You don't like Jessica Biel? I so want to see that movie, for two reasons. Gerard Butler. And Jessica Biel :)

    I don't want to see Olympus Has Fallen. I loved White House Down.

    1. Nope, I don't like Jessica Biel. I haven't seen White House Down. Playing for Keeps is on Netflix. :)

  2. Haven't heard of either movie....not watching the first one, for the fact that you mentioned the language. The second sounds good....I love movies that have adorable kid actors.

    1. The second one is on Netflix. The little boy is really adorable. :) I try to be honest with my reviews. :)


Movie review

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