Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My favorite candy.

 First is a Nerds Rope.  These are yummy.  They are the best sweet/tangy candy.  If you like Nerds, you will love this.  :)
 Next is Candy Corn.  These are my favorite for Halloween/Harvest.  It is not for everyone, but it is yummy to me.  :)
 Gummy Bears are my second favorite candy ever!  I love how they have so much flavor in one tiny bear.  I love them!  :)
I saved the best for last.  Milky Ways are my favorite candy bar ever!  They are so yummy!  Hope you liked my blog.  God Bless.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that blue and pink font did a number on my eyes. LOL And I think my blood sugar rose just looking at this candy. My favorite candy are bottle caps. (Sorry if this posted more than sometimes does that when I use my phone)


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