Saturday, August 31, 2013


The weather can be so weird sometimes.  When I was living in California, it was very weird.  It was either really HOT, or raining.  Sometimes we wouldn't get rain that much.  It stunk.  Now I live in Idaho and the weather is so different.  I have seen more lightning here, than in California I think.  lol.  The hottest it has gotten here is 108.  I am used to way hotter summers than this.  Now Fall is coming and I am looking forward to what it has in store.  My father in law says the Falls are awesome here.  How is the weather where you are?  Are you looking forward to the Fall?  Have a good day and God Bless.

Friday, August 30, 2013


I love Pinterest!!  It is awesome!  There are so many things to pin.  It is endless.  Recipes, Nail Art, Crafts etc.  Anything you want to pin, you will find it.  My hubby has made some recipes on Pinterest, and they were really good.  I really enjoy pinning.  I have a lot of different boards.  Do you like Pinterest?  What are some of the things that you look for?  Have a great day!  God Bless.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


What does music mean to me?  It means an escape from every day life.  Sometimes I just need to listen to music.  It helps me get into a good mood.  Up above are pics of the artists I listen to on a daily basis.  For those of you that don't know their names, from top to bottom are, Carman, Lindsey Stirling, Tyler Ward, and Peter Hollens.  They all have their own style.  Which is what I like about all 4 of them.  I like all types of music, except growling metal music.  What types of music do you listen to?  Has your choice in music varied over the years?  I know mine has.  Have a great day.  God Bless.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Foods I like and dislike.

The first two pics are foods I enjoy.  The last two are foods I despise.  I like other foods and despise other foods, but these are the main 4.  Are there any foods growing up that you didn't like.  What are your favorite foods?  Have a good night.  God Bless.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Today's post is just for fun.  Minecraft is a lot of fun.  I play it with my friends and you can build whatever you want.  Sorry so short.  God Bless.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


My son starts Kindergarten tomorrow.  He is very excited, and so am I.  I know that we are going to have fun, and he is going to do very well.  Some people don't understand why I wanted to home school my son.  In a nutshell, I wanted to be able to help teach him and I was home schooled from K-12 grade.   Home school may not be for everyone, but it is perfect for us.  Have a good day and God Bless.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Skype is awesome!  It helps me keep in touch with my family and friends.  My son loves to Skype, unless something else is distracting him.  lol.  It has helped me a lot to see my family, even though I can't be there in person, I can be there via Skype.  I recently went to my sister's baby shower 500 miles away via Skype, and it worked very well.  It was like I was there.  Do any of you Skype with relatives or friends?  Do you think it is awesome too?  Have a great day and God Bless.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Why I don't watch the news.

I stopped watching the news years ago.  It is always terrible, and terrifying.  Sometimes they over dramatize and that annoys me.  I just pray for the world, and let God handle it.  That is the only thing I can do.  I sometimes check  That is about it for news for me.  Even that website over dramatizes things too.  I sometimes read a newspaper, but with that it is just about the town I live in, so that is okay.  I know most of my family and friends still watch the news, and that is fine.  I just know that I won't be watching it.  Have a great day and God Bless.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Today's post is about seasons.  When I was living in California, we didn't have all four seasons.  We had Summer and Winter.  Here in Idaho, I am told that we will have all four seasons.  I am already going through summer and it is not as bad as in California.  My favorite season is Winter.  Always has been.  People think I am crazy, but I don't care.  lol.  I am looking forward to snow, and rain.  I don't care how cold it gets.  :)  What is your favorite season and why?  Let me know in the comments please.  I am curious to know if I am the only one who loves winter.  Have a great day and God Bless.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Cartoons I watched growing up.

Today's blog is pretty nostalgic for me.  Because my son now watches 2 of the cartoons I posted.  It brings back so many memories.  He love Duck Tales and Darkwing Duck.  I am so happy that he loves them, because there are so many terrible cartoons out there,and I love that he loves the cartoons from my childhood.  What cartoons did you watch when you were a kid?  Do your children watch those cartoons now?  God Bless.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Board Games.

These are some of the board games I played with my siblings growing up.  Really fun times.  More games that we played were Scrabble, Candy Land, Hi Ho Cherry O.  A few others, but their names aren't coming to me.  lol.  My favorite games to play with my hubby are Life, Scrabble, and Battle of the Sexes.  What were your favorite board games as a kid?  What are your favorites now?  God Bless.

Monday, August 19, 2013


You only have one life.  What are you doing with it?  For me, I am going to be teaching my son school and being the best wife and mother that I can be.  I also have hobbies that I like to do.  Like this blog for example.  God gave you one life, and he wants you to use it to it's full advantage.  Are you?  God Bless.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Movies I can watch over and over again.

Okay, I don't know about you, but I can watch the movies above a lot and not get sick of them.  3 of them are Nicholas Sparks books turned into movies.  The other 2, are the movies I have watched more times than I can count.  I love romantic chick flicks.  I always have.  Sometimes us ladies just need a good cry, or a great storyline.  Nicholas Sparks never disappoints.  I think I know these movies by heart now.  lol.  I highly recommend all the movies above.  These 5 movies are pretty much my go to movies when I want to watch romance, or if I need a good cry.  Have a great day.  God Bless.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

My sister's baby shower.

Today is my sister's baby shower and she is having a girl.  I can't be there in person, but I am going to be there via Skype.  I actually get to play a couple games too.  This baby is going to make my other niece Cassie a big sister.  The shower will be fun.  Sorry so short today.  God Bless.  :)

Movie review

                                                       You're Cordially Invited was okay.  It wasn't one of Will Ferrell or Reese Wi...