Friday, August 30, 2013


I love Pinterest!!  It is awesome!  There are so many things to pin.  It is endless.  Recipes, Nail Art, Crafts etc.  Anything you want to pin, you will find it.  My hubby has made some recipes on Pinterest, and they were really good.  I really enjoy pinning.  I have a lot of different boards.  Do you like Pinterest?  What are some of the things that you look for?  Have a great day!  God Bless.


  1. I have a lot of boards!! I used to spend hours on there and searching for stuff. Now I just add things when I come across them. Except with my novel board... Although I'm finished that one for now, too :)

    1. Oh. Didn't actually answer all your questions... Yes, I LOVE Pinterest :) Some of the things I pin are home decor (that's definitely my biggest board), hair styles, and characters and places for my book.

    2. Thanks for answering my questions. I love all your boards! :)

  2. I be pinnin' lots of treasures! Me favorite be me Ships boards. I find pics to pin all over....Can be quite addictive. LOL


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