Friday, August 9, 2013


Photography has always been my favorite hobby.  I love taking pics of my son, and nature.  It is a lot of fun!  Taking pics is a good stress release.  It helps me relax.  I love taking candid shots!  They are the best pics.  IMO.  It is so nice to take my camera to a park, and just take a lot of pics.  Then, I come home and look at them all, and I am sometimes shocked that I took some awesome pics.  The pics up above, are pics I have taken. Except for the camera one. That is just a pic of what my camera looks like.  I encourage people to take pictures, make memories.  Pictures are the best memories.  You look at a picture from say, 13 years ago.  You are amazed at how that one picture brings back so many memories.  So, pick up a camera and start making memories.  :)  God Bless.


  1. What a handsome boy you have there! Looks like a Pooh Bear I know! :)

    1. lol. Yep, he knows he is cute too. I love that he cooperates enough for me to get a few shots. :)

  2. Debra, people sometimes laugh when I tell them how many pictures I take (especially on vacation), because I tend to take A LOT! And sometimes I might take more than one shot of a particular item or scene using different settings on my camera just to see which one turns out better. I heard a long time ago that a good photographer never takes just one shot. Plus, it helps to tell the story of what I was doing at the time (and it helps ME remember what I was doing). So keep taking those photos (and sharing of course) :)

    1. Angi, I will definitely keep taking pics. I still haven't figured out all my settings of my camera. lol Thanks for commenting. :)

  3. Love photography, too :) I often forget to take pictures because I'm too busy just having fun but I usually wish I had taken some. The only thing I hate about that is that I'm never in the pictures then... Haha. Anyway, I need to get better at doing my photo blog!! Maybe you could do one, too. That would be fun.

    1. I don't like pics of myself. lol. I would much rather take pics of everyone else. haha. Thanks for commenting. :)


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